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Completion Costs Guide
Completion costs you need to know about.
HST - If you buy a newly constructed home, you must pay the 12% HST. However, if your house is less than $450,000 you may be eligible for a rebate. For more information, please visit Canada Revenue Agency.
Property Transfer Tax - When a residence is purchased a Property Transfer Tax (PTT) is applied. The tax is calculated at 1% on the first $200,000 and 2% on the remainder. The First-Time Home Buyers' Program offers an exemption to the PTT if the fair market value of the residence is $425,000 or less. In all regions there is also a proportional exemption for first-time buyers of homes with a fair market value up to $25,000 above the thresholds. This means in the Greater Vancouver area, homes valued up to $450,000 ($425,000 threshold + $25,000 proportional exemption) will be charged a pro-rated PTT. For more information please visit:
Prepaid property taxes or utility bills - You will have to reimburse the sellers for any prepaid property taxes or utilities.
Mortgage loan insurance and application fee - If you get a high ratio mortgage (a mortgage where you pay less than a 20% down payment) you will have to buy mortgage loan insurance from CMHC or a private company. If you qualify for a 5% down payment, CMHC charges an insurance fee that equals 3.25% of the mortgage. If you put 10% or 15% down, your insurance fees will decrease to 2% and 1.75% respectively. The insurance premium usually gets added to your mortgage.
You will also have to pay an application fee. CMHC's standard fee is $235. CMHC also offers a basic service for a $75 fee but it must be accompanied by an appraisal.
Appraisal - Before your lender qpprobes your mortgage, you may be required to have an appraisal done. Sometimes your lender covers this cost otherwise you are responsible for covering this cost. The fee ranges from $150 to $350.
Survey fee - Your lender may require an up-to-date survey of the property. If the seller did not provide you with one, you will have to pay to have one done. The fee ranges from $150 to $350.
Home Inspection fee - Most Realtors recommend that you get a home inspection by a certified home inspector. It will cost you from $150 to $350 for a smaller house. Large houses may cost more.
Legal fees - Lawyers/Notaries fees for closing the sale range according to the complecity of the deal but they should range from $600 - $1500.
Disbursements to Land Titles Office - These fees are approximately $300. Your lawyer/notary will arrange this payment.
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