Buying and selling your home in the touch of your finger

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Search for a Home in Greater Vancouver
              When you begin your search, remember to compare each property according to your standards and your priorities as determined in your wishlist. By investing time and thought in choosing your property, you can find a home with the most functional fir for your lifestyle.
Searching for a House
          Phoebe will give you a list of properties for sale that fit your requirements and she will setup appointments to view houses. You can also go to, use their Property Search feature, and let Phoebe know about any properties you find in your search as she access to the complete information and can provide greater detail on property for sale.
Assessing a House
          While you are visiting various homes for sale it's a good idea to make notes about each house you're seriously considering so you can remember the details about a property. Use our Home Hunting Checklist to help you keep track of your impressions.
When looking at a house you need to consider several factors:
          ● Exterior Condition - Examine the condition of the siding, roof, gutters, paints,
             chimneys, windows, decks and parios. Fixing up the exterior of a house, especially
             adding a new roof, can be expensive.
          ● Interior - Is is large enough? What's the condition of the bathroom(s) and kitchen?
             What kind of flooring is under the carpet? Do the rooms and hallways have sufficient
             lighting? Is there enough storage?
          ● Structural Problems - Uneven floors and large cracks can indicate problems.
             Examine the outside of the house and see if there is any visible sinking.
          ● Mechanical System - Find out the age of the heating, plumbing and electrical systems.
             Consider if you will have to update any of these systems.
          ● Energy Efficiency - Check to see if the house is insulated and whether the windows
             are single or double paned. Older houses with no insulation and single-pane windows
             have greater heating costs.
          ● Basement / Drainage - Check for leaks, cracks, water stains and mold in the
             basement. They could indicate poor outside drainage. Make sure there is adequate
             drainage around the house.
         ● Water Pressure - Turn on the taps or flush the toilet to make sure there is high
            water pressure.
         ● Pests - Ask whether there have been problems with insects or rodents. Is there
            evidence of damage?
         ● Neighbourhood - Look at the condition of the houses in the neighbourhood. Ask
            whether there are noise problems or unruly neighbourhood. How close is the property
            to schools, community centres, shopping and other amenities?
         ● Zoning - Ask Phoebe about the zoning for the property. Are there any restrictive
            convenants or easements?
Click here for additional considerations for condominium buyers.
**source from **