Buying and selling your home in the touch of your finger

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Getting Started 作好准备
Mortgage Approval 房贷
Mortgage Term 房贷术语
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Incentive Program 奖励计划
Home Checklist 要求清单
Search a Home 觅房技巧
Home Hunting 猎屋清单
Condo Buyers 柏文公寓
Completion 完成手续
Cost Guide 完屋费用
Seller's Tips 成功卖家技巧
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Getting Started
Your Wish List
              You're already to buy a home in Greater Vancouver. Before you begin searching for a home, make a detailed "wish list" of what you want and in a home. Your REALTOR® will help you priortirize your list and will suggest features you may overlook.
          First, you nees to decide where you want to live or the neighbourhood you're going to call home.
          Location is just as important as the property you choose.
          Decide what you need in a neighbood. Do you have children taht are school age or will soon be? Are you single without a vehicle and using local transit? Are you downsizing from a large home in the suburbs?
          When you have determined your requirements, your REALTOR® can quickly source information about potential neighbourhoods, pricing trends and community information and suggest areas that seem best suited to your requirements. Read about local neighbourhoods in our Community Info section.
          Second, think about the type of home you want, for example, condominum, townhouse or single family, new or resale, and the amount of space you need. Print the Home Requirement Checklist, fill it out, and take it with you to your Phoebe.
Click here for more information.
What you can afford?
          Before you start looking for a home, you and your REALTOR® need to determine how much you can afford. The main home buying expenses incluse the down payment, the mortgag and the completion costs. Current interest rates will effect the amount you can afford. Talk to Phoebe about various homebuyer incentive programs that can assist you with your purchase. Click here for more information regarding Incentive Program.
Down Payment
          For a conventional mortgage, you must pay at least 25% of the purchase price as a down payment. However, you can find mortgages that requires as little as 5% down and even 0% down payment that are fully insured by CMHC and Genstar.
          The Home Buyer's Plan, a federal government initiative lets eligible home buyers withdraw up to $20,000 from theri RRSP to buy/build a qualifying home. Couples, partners or roommates can withdraw up to $40,000. Once the RRSP is repaid, home buyers can participate more than once. For information go to and in the search boc enter home buyers' plan or phone 1-800-959-8281.
          Most home buyers will need a mortgage. Ask Phoebe to calculate how much you're eligible to borrow based on your income and level of debt. And if you're one of every six British Columbians self-employed, you can still qualify. You can also use the mortgage affordability calculator to determine how much you can afford.
Completion and Other Costs
          There are additional costs when you buy a home. These include mortgage insurance, taxes, legal fees, house inspection reports, appraisal and survey fees. If you are a first time homebuyer, you may be ecempt from the Property Transfer Tax.
Click here for more information aobut Completion Costs including the PTT.
**source from **